Turning Left: Who has right of way?

As any cyclist who rides on the road knows, vehicles turning left across your path are an issue.

A driver may not use a bike lane except in specified circumstances, and even then the law states:

“You must give way to cyclists already in the bicycle lane. ”  https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/road-rules/a-to-z-of-road-rules/bicycles This means that any vehicle which passes a cyclist then turns across his or her path is in the wrong.

However, the rules for bicycles also state:

What to do when a vehicle is turning left

Cyclists must not ride on the left sign of a vehicle that is:

  • indicating to the left
  • turning left at an intersection

Tips for cyclists: if a car is indicating to turn left, ride in the traffic lane behind the turning vehicle.  https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/road-rules/a-to-z-of-road-rules/bicycles

This leads to ambiguity.

Pedal Power (Canberra’s cyclist advocacy group) have clarified this law where the bike lane is painted green.


stating from a legal opinion:

“Coloured bicycle lanes at intersections are to remind motorists that this section of the roadway is a travel lane for bicycle riders. The marking highlights the existence of the ‘bicycle lane’ to motorists and the ‘right of way’ legally provided to the cyclist by a ‘bicycle lane’. Therefore, where you see a bicycle lane and particularly a green coloured area at an intersection, be on the lookout for cyclists. If a cyclist is in the bicycle lane, motorists must give way.”

Still confused? 

As cyclists, we are vulnerable.  A small scratch to a car’s duco could be a cyclist death or serious injury.   Make your own safety first priority.

  • Be seen – wear high vis clothing, and make sure you have lights at night.
  • At problem intersections, scan behind for faster turning traffic, especially where there is a slip lane or roundabout.
  • Never presume you have been seen – try to make eye contact.  Make your intention to cycle through the intersection clear.
  • Be prepared to give way, even if technically you know you have ‘right of way’.

Pedal Power ACT has a regular e-newsletter.  It’s well worth subscribing.  http://www.pedalpower.org.au/


1 thought on “Turning Left: Who has right of way?

  1. Thank you for explaining how drivers are required to give way to any cyclist that is in a bike lane. My wife and I live close to a park and often see a lot of cyclists riding on the sidewalk, but we worry that there may not be enough room for them to ride comfortably since our roads are especially narrow. I wonder if creating a bike lane would help them be more noticeable.

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